Monday, September 14, 2009


Natual Beauty from top to toe with natual herbs

Price: RM20 (60 Capsules)

Himalaya Neem is a pure herb extract. The Neem tree is known as Arishtha in Sanskrit meaning 'reliever of sickness'. Neem extracts possess antidiabetic, antibacterial, and antiviral properties. Neem is a powerful blood purifier and detoxifier and promotes healthy skin and wound healing. Apart from being a general health promoter, neem significantly decreases blood sugar level and prevents adrenaline as well as glucose-induced hyperglycaemia. Neem has been used for curing blood morbidity, biliary afflictions, itching, skin ulcers, burning sensations and pthysis. Neem's myriad uses led the US National Academy of Sciences, to publish a report entitled 'Neem – a tree for solving global problems'.

Benefits of Neem:
Neem's antibacterial, antifungal and blood purifying properties are useful in skin disorders and keep the skin healthy.Neem is useful as a tonic and astringent that promotes wound healing.Neem has detoxifying benefits that help maintain healthy circulatory, digestive, respiratory, and urinary systems.Neem extract possesses anti-diabetic, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral properties.


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